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How do I improve my overall image?

One's overall Image refers to the way that one is presented to the outside. It helps people to form associations and remember who each other are visually. Images help people to form impressions of a particular thing in their brains. Hence, it is important to have and maintain a good overall image when meeting people as it plays a huge role in how people view and remember you as. Albert Mehrabian, a pioneer researcher, conducted research on the impact of the message and the outcome was that 55% of it was attributed to appearance and actions. Not only that, but he also found that 65% of face-to-face communication is done non-verbally. 

This means that the kind of image and impression that one possesses is important as it affects the way people react towards each other and how they perceive one another to be. How can one improve their self-image and what does it take to have a good overall image? In that case, an image consultation course can help in aiding one to properly grasp the fundamentals and necessities of having a good presentable image that is authentic to yourself. 

What kind of image consultation courses are there? 

There are many professional companies offering image consultation courses as well as services that can allow both individuals and groups of people to learn more about themselves as well as how to properly present themselves. They offer courses for different groups of people, such as: 

Private individuals 

Corporate executives 

Business owners 

Public personalities 


Corporate companies-- local and foreign 

Educational institutions 

Professional associations 

Social clubs/societies 

Community centres and social networking groups 

Their courses can come in various types, such as basic to advanced, masterclasses, grooming and personal branding or even train the trainer for those who are looking to also train as an image consultant themselves. 

Different companies package their image consultant courses differently, hence every course will consist of various expertises. Such services offered by companies are as such: 

Wardrobe consultations 

Colour consultations 

Personal shopping 

Clothing or uniform designer 

Hair and makeup styling 

Etiquette consultations 

Executive presence coach 

Fashion feng shui 

Image motivational speaker or presenter 

Image branding 

How can it improve my overall image? 

Attending image consulting courses can help you to realise your potential in many ways. The three main areas where image consultants can coach you on are physical appearance, behaviour and communication. These three aspects have a visual impact on your overall image. 

Such benefits are helping one to regain and improve self-confidence, knowing how to present themselves well to people from family and friends, to people in the workplace and even strangers. You will be taught how to dress well and appropriately for any occasion, learning colour analysis to know the type of colours that are suitable for you and find types of clothes that best suits yourself. Not only that, but you will also learn how to improve your body language and communication skills while understanding etiquette for both personal and professional situations. 

image consultation course singapore


It is important to know that first impressions matter, and it can be hard trying to figure out how to improve your overall image, sometimes even not knowing what needs to be changed. 

This is where image consultation services come into play to help individuals who do not know where to start from to find their true selves and project themselves as confident individuals who can make an impression right from the first meeting. If interested, you can look for an image consultant course in Singapore that will meet your needs and help you improve your overall image the way you want it.


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